Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Alginate step by step list

Alginate / Plaster Mold Step-by-step list

  1. Measure equal amounts of alginate and cold water to cover desired area.
  2. Go through the check list to be aware of each person’s responsibilities.
  3. Tear up cotton balls or gauze for the plaster jacket.
  4. Make sure you have 3 buckets ready : one for plaster, one for alginate, one for water (for the alginate mix)
  5. Add water to the alginate bucket. (remember that it is 1:1 ratio of water and alginate)
  6. Mix alginate by hand breaking up clumps, at this point the alginate starts to set very quickly approximately 4 minutes working time. (working time varies according to mixture)
  7. Apply the alginate to the mold area. You want to have at least a 1/4 inch thickness of alginate over the mold area. For added support you can embed torn cotton balls to the alginate.
  8. While waiting for the alginate to set, the helper should start mixing the plaster for the jacket. Plaster to water ratio is also roughly 1:1. Carefully hand-sift the plaster into the water until an island is formed in the center of the bucket. Mix the plaster with hand breaking clumps and checking consistency.
  9. When plaster is ready, dip the torn up cotton in the plaster and apply to alginate mold. Use mixed plaster to secure cotton and begin layering over alginate with plaster. The plaster jacket should be at least ½ inch.
  10. After the plaster has set, you are able to start casting. The Alginate mold has a working time of 40-50 minutes. (this time can vary greatly depending on factors like: how you keep the mold from drying and shrinking/humidity/temperature)

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