Monday, January 31, 2011

Tech Assignment


Tech Assignment Due Date : Feb. 8th Tuesday

Build a three-dimensional object that stands on its own. You are free to construct anything as long as it meets these minimum requirements.

2 rivets

1 foot of welding

Use all cutting methods

Three different surface textures

The materials required for this technical assignment will be salvaged from the scrap bin in the Sculpture driveway.

This is a quick technical assignment. So, don’t spend too much time thinking about what you want to build and try to work your ideas with the scraps that you are able to find in a more intuitive manner.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Anthony Caro "Month of May" 1963

David Smith "Cubi XIX" 1964

Judy Pfaff "Saturday, All Day" 1988

Richard Serra "A Matter of Time"

Martin Puryear "Plenty's Boast 1995

Jeff Koons "Rabbit" 1986

Olafur Eliasson "The Weather Project" 2003

Damien Hirst "The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living" 1991

Rachel Whiteread "Untitled (Library)" 1999

Andy Goldsworthy

Felix Gonzalez Torres "Untitled" (the end)

Tim Hawkinson "Blastula" 1999

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Metal Demo

Tools we will be covering:


Vertical band-saw 


Drill press

Hand-held drill

Rivet gun

Chop saw (angle iron)

Horizontal band-saw

Stationary grinders

Hand-held grinders


Plasma cutter


Spot welder

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Syllabus Spring 2011

Instructor: Jaeman Shin, Joe Kewin

Class: Introduction to Sculpture ARS 170-01

Time:                 Tues/Fri

Contact: ,

Office Hours:

Course Outline

The primary goal of this course is to familiarize you to a studio based art course while broadening your knowledge and experience in art, more specifically in the field of sculpture.

You are expected to finish three projects throughout the semester. The projects will cover construction with wood, construction with metal and mold-making/casting techniques. Outlines and due dates for these projects can be found in the course calendar.

Each of the three projects will start off with a thorough demonstration of the tools required for the project. Everyone needs to be present and prepared for the scheduled demonstration class for it is difficult to arrange a time for individual demonstrations.

Within the studio, safety is the first priority; proper clothing and closed toe shoes are required at all times.

Along with the three projects, there will be minor research assignments and a 15 minute power point presentation. Details concerning the power point and research assignments will be discussed further into the semester.

Everyone is required to acquire
a sketchbook which will be used solely for this class. In this sketchbook, you will keep sketches and notes for your projects as well as other written assignments. After each project, you will turn in your sketchbooks to us. So, it is very important to start and maintain a habit of sketching your ideas.




General Requirements


Everyone is expected to attend all classes and to arrive on time, as well as to come to each class prepared and ready to work. Three absences will lower your grade by one letter.  Attendances will be marked late 15 minutes after the scheduled start of each class and will be marked absent 30 minutes after the scheduled start of each class. Students are expected to stay until the end of class, and students may not use class time to acquire materials, so plan ahead.

Assignments and Critiques

All assignments are to be completed on time and presented to the class on the day they are due. Unfinished work will not be accepted. Your grade will also be based on your effort. Participation in the class critiques is definitely essential to your learning as well as the learning of your fellow students, as such, your class participation makes up for an additional part of your grade.

Evidence of Progress and Development

Art develops through the spirit of people challenging existing conventions. Your willingness to try new techniques and explore new ideas will help to create quality sculpture and have positive material during critique. Students should try hard to push themselves, be unique, take chances, and truly experience sculpture.

Studio Maintenance

It is everyone’s job to help keep the studio clean. The community tables are used by other classes so your work can either go on the shelves with your name clearly visible or in the lockers. Be sure to give yourself ten to fifteen minutes to clean up after the end of class (10:25) and put any tools you have used back into the tool room.

Studio Access

The studio may be used during any open studio time. See the schedule on thewhite board next to the office door. With permission of the other instructor you may be allowed to work in the studio during other class times. Take advantage of the sculpture technician’s hours.  They will be posted as soon as they are available for this semester. Power tools can only be used during class times or with the permission of another sculpture major who is present and aware of the tools you are using.

The studio may be used during any open studio time. See schedule near Office door.
You must absolutely be out of the studio by 11:00 P.M. M-F



Academic Integrity Policy

For procedures regarding resolution of academic integrity cases, please refer to the Procedures for Resolving Academic Integrity Cases handbook available in the office of the Vice Peresident for Student Affairs, and in the Academic Deans Office.

Grade Evaluation Summary

Introduction to Sculpture Evaluation Criteria for class projects; Includes minimum 6 hrs. per week independent work outside of class.

Total Grade determined by average of the following:

Search and Destroy (Artist Research) Project:     25
Wood Project                                                                    25
Metal Project                                                                    25
Self-Portrait Mold Making Project                            25

Total                                                                                      100

Grade Conversion:

100-90 = A
  89-80 = B
  79-60 = C
  59-40 = D
  39-  0 = F










Never ever work alone in the studio when you use power or dangerous equipment.

·         Do not use any piece of equipment unless its proper operation and hazards have been explained to you and you have been oriented and certified on the machine.

·         Follow specific safety procedures for each tool.

·         It is illegal to remove safety guards from the equipment- this must be done by an instructor.

·         Do not shout or startle someone using power equipment.

·         Ask your instructor, lab technician, or student assistant for help if you need it.

·         Any adjustment to equipment (such as raising the saw blade or moving the fence) must be returned to its normal state when your work is complete.

·         Wear ear protection and eye protection when in machine shop area, even if you are not working on the equipment yourself to protect yourself against flying debris.

·         Dust masks and respirators should be worn when welding, grinding and cutting wood with power tools.

·         Wear appropriate clothing.

·         No flip-flops, sandals, or bare feet – you will be thrown out of the studio if you do so.

·         Tie back loose hair and long sleeves- personal audio equipment should not be worn or used in the machine shop.

·         Do not wear long necklaces, bracelets, or rings that can get caught in machines and pull you in. Tuck Hoodie ties in clothing so that they do not dangle.

·         Do not operate or work under the influence of substances that impair or alter your abilities to function normally.


·         Use dust collector and exhaust fans.

·         Try to keep your working area contained.

·         Put away all tools and materials after use.

·         Clean area and tools that you use.

·         Store your materials and work out of general work area.

·         No smoking or drinking of alcoholic beverages in the sculpture studio.

·         No food or drink in the wood shop.

·         No clay, plaster, or stone work in the wood area.

·         No plaster or solvents down the drain.

·         Report any missing or malfunctioning tools.

·         Report any abuse, theft, or misuse of tools.

·         Always sweep up after yourself.

·         Flammable rags are to be put in red flammable container.

·         All painting with noxious fumes must be done outside.

·         All excessive sanding or sanding of bondo/fiberglass resin must be done outside.

·         Projects may not be assembled, glued up, nailed, screwed or stored on any power tool this should be done on a worktable. Any project or parts of projects or materials left on stationary power equipment will be thrown out immediately.

·         Do not block fire exits, fire extinguishers or electrical panels. Do not store projects or materials in front of fire exits, extinguishers or electrical panels.

Safety Procedure

  • If an accident occurs and you are first on the scene, use your cell phone or the phone next to large wood band-saw and call campus police at 911 for help.

Report accidents to instructor immediately.