Sunday, February 27, 2011

50 things list

In your sketchbook, list 50 things that make up who you are.

This list could include anything from interests, habits (good/bad), views on particular subjects that matter to you or even your favorite color/food as long as you feel they are important enough to be in your 50 things list.

Due date: March 8th

also added Janine Antoni to the artist list

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Artist Research assignment

Artist Research Assignment

Pick Five artists from the artist list and write about them in your sketchbook.

Your research should include :

Why you picked that artist

What you have learned about the artist’s work

What you like/dislike + why

You can scrap images onto your sketchbook as well.

Each artist research notes should be at least one page. (Including drawings, scrap images)

Towards the very end of the semester, you will choose one artist out of your five to present a 15 minute power-point to the class. We will talk more about the power point in class.

All Important dates are in calendar (sketchbook turn in dates, final power-point)

Artist List

Janine Antoni

Andy Goldsworthy

Gabriel Orozco

Jeff Koons

Kiki Smith

Carolee Schneeman

Cai guo xiang

Eva Hesse

Damien Hirst

Rafael Lozano Hemmer

Anish Kapoor

Jean Tinguely

Yayoi Kusama

Louise Bourgeois

Jessica Stockholder

Niki de Saint Phalle

Annette Messager

Tracy Emin

Damián Ortega

Mario Merz

Marc Quinn

Lee Bul

Willie Cole

Yoshitomo Nara

Anthony Gormley

Suh Do-ho

Rebecca Horn

Subodh Gupta

Maya Lin

Rachel Whiteread

David Hammond

Felix Gonzalez Torres

Tim Hawkinson

Judy Pfaff

Alfredo Jaar

Martin Puryear

Sarah Sze

Olafur Eliasson

Tara Donovan

Takashi Murakami

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Intro. to Sculpture Calendar

Feb. 15 - Work day
Feb. 18 - Work day
Feb. 22 - Work day / Introduction to artist research assignment
Feb. 25 - Work day
Mar. 1 - Work day
Mar. 4 - Project 1 due / Project 2 ppt.
Mar. 8 - Mold-making + casting demonstration. / sketch review
Mar. 11- Work day
Mar. 15 - Work day
Mar. 18 - Work day ( turn in sketchbook )
Mar. 22 - Spring Break (no class)
Mar. 25 - Spring Break (no class)
Mar. 29 - Work day
Apr. 1 - Work day
Apr. 5 - Work day
Apr. 8 - Work day
Apr. 12 - Project 2 due / Project 3 introduction
Apr. 15 - Work day (tech assignment)
Apr. 19 - Passover (no class)
Apr. 22 - Work day
Apr. 26 - Work day
Apr. 29 - Work day
May 3 - Work day
May 6 - Work day
May 10 - Project 3 due ( turn in sketchbook ) / Artist research power-point
May 13 - Artist research power-point
May 17 - Clean-up (take home or throw out all work)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Project 1

Project 1

Construction with Metal

Beginning of class on Friday the 11th, you will each get a tennis ball.
Using the tools demonstrated during class with the supplied metal, you are to keep your tennis ball moving for at least twenty seconds. How you accomplish this goal is completely up to you.

We will talk more in class to address any questions.

Materials supplied

Tennis Ball, Sheet metal, Angle irons, power tools and misc. (rivets, screws, abrasives…etc)

Feel free to gather steel parts from any source you may have.
(Just make sure it is not stainless steel or chrome)